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Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal


Quick Stats

Director: Ajith Pillai 
Actor: Asif Ali  Sunny Wayne  Janani Iyer  Swati Reddy 
Release Date: 01/05/2014
Length: 131 Minutes

Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal is an adventurous comedy thriller which unfolds through the story of two main characters portrayed by Asif Ali and Sunny Wayne who happened to meet in an unexpected situation.


Above Average


Below Average


CineSpider Score
(Score out of 10)

Users Score
(From 0 Users)

CineSpider Meter Details

Average Rating from Critics: 5.8 /10
Total Critics Reviews Counted: 22

Good: 0
Above Average: 13
Average: 9
Below Average: 0
Poor: 0


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Contributors to the Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal Movie Review




നിസംശയം പറയാം 'മോസയിലെ കുതിരമീനുകള്‍' സര്‍പ്രൈസുകളുടെ ഒരു ടൂര്‍ പാക്കേജാണ്.



‘Mosayile Kuthirameenukal’ is definitely a visually appealing product, but lacks a strong story to back it and unfortunately had an incapacitated script that pulled back the movie at several occasions.




On the whole, if you are a travel lover, don't miss to watch Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal.

Cine Shore


The initial moments are good and there is a freshness in presentation. But goes pretty ordinary afterwards. Still there are some light humours which keeps things alive.




മോശമല്ല മോസയിലെ മീനുകള്‍



Finally baring the initial part, Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal will bring enough surprises, thanks to some fantastic visuals with a refreshing romantic tale. A good watch.


മോസയിലെ കുതിര മീനുകൾ: മീനുകൾക്ക് കനം പോര!.



Mosayile Kuthirameenukal is visually enchanting, so watch it in spite of some flaws.




മോശമല്ല മോസയിലെ മീനുകള്‍

Lensmen Movie Review Center


Overall, Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal can create a beautiful solitude in your mind with its romance and coolness. The rating is 3.5/5 for this Ajith Pillai film.




'Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal' is a likeable film in a breezy, low-key sort of way, and its sure to have its share of admirers. Surprisingly fresh, and on rare occasions even a bit insightful, it has its moments that easily and assertively overwrite its flaws.

Times of India


Two prisoners escape from prison and together they board a ship to Lakshadweep where they will have roles to play in each other's destiny.




Mosayile Kuthirameenukal has what a good movie needs but the heart of the slips down as the climax reaches. Its a visual treat in all its essence which needed some more filtering in the script.


Mosayile Kuthirameenukal: A Genuine, Watchable Flick! This is a film saved by the sincere efforts of the crew rather than the lead cast says Subash Sabu




On the whole , 'Mosayile Kuthirameenukal' which means the 'swordfishes of Lakshdweep' at 131 minutes , is not that perfect as a complete entertainer. But it has its fine moments and extremely good technical sides. The hard work of all behind the film is visible throughout (with that rare sequences like that of whale hunt and plenty of  underwater shots).Go for the movie if you want one that is much different from the regular, one that is narrated much differently.



If you wanna spend your time to see a good thriller you can prefer Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal. If you watch the movie as a critic you better choose another flick.


Manorama Online


çÎÞØÏßæÜ øáºßÏßˆÞ ÎàÈáµZ



ഈ റിവ്യു പോലെ ശാന്തമായ സിനിമ; വെടി, പട, പുക, കതിന, കത്തിക്കുത്ത്.. ഒന്നുമില്ല! ഒരു നല്ല സിനിമയുടെ ലക്ഷണങ്ങളൊക്കെ ഒത്തിണങ്ങിയിട്ടുണ്ടു താനും.




Mosayile Kuthirameenukal may be far from perfect, but the passion of those involved in it is to be seen in this film. The picturesque Lakshadweep has been presented in a fantastic way, which could prompt you to pack your travel bag and head for the island at the earliest opportunity. This film is worth a watch!



A Good Voyage with Love,Visual,Suspense in Mosa


Oneindia Malayalam


Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal is indeed a good attempt by the director. It is quite lagging in the beginning but, enthralls you in the second half. Watch it without muvh expectation. You will Enjoy it!



 'Mosayile Kuthirameenukal' has its moments, although it limps on occasions. The treatment is refreshing, visuals are jaw dropping and performances are adequate. Director Ajith Pillai and Vipin Radhakrishnan have imaginative effervescence ,but the script reeks of a bit of indulgence and needed some fine tuning.


Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal Movie Review From Top Critics



Mosayile Kuthirameenukal may be far from perfect, but the passion of those involved in it is to be seen in this film. The picturesque Lakshadweep has been presented in a fantastic way, which could prompt you to pack your travel bag and head for the island at the earliest opportunity. This film is worth a watch!

Manorama Online


çÎÞØÏßæÜ øáºßÏßˆÞ ÎàÈáµZ


Times of India


Two prisoners escape from prison and together they board a ship to Lakshadweep where they will have roles to play in each other's destiny.

Lensmen Movie Review Center


Overall, Mosayile Kuthira Meenukal can create a beautiful solitude in your mind with its romance and coolness. The rating is 3.5/5 for this Ajith Pillai film.




Mosayile Kuthirameenukal is visually enchanting, so watch it in spite of some flaws.



നിസംശയം പറയാം 'മോസയിലെ കുതിരമീനുകള്‍' സര്‍പ്രൈസുകളുടെ ഒരു ടൂര്‍ പാക്കേജാണ്.


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